Anime, which is a form of Japanese animation, is often considered to be better than reality by many people for a variety of reasons.
Firstly, anime has the ability to transport viewers to fantastical worlds and introduce them to characters and stories that are not possible in reality. From the bustling metropolis of Tokyo in “Neon Genesis Evangelion” to the mystical and magical world of “Fullmetal Alchemist”, anime offers a wide range of settings and scenarios that are not limited by the constraints of reality. This allows for a greater freedom of expression and creativity, which can be incredibly appealing to viewers.
Secondly, anime often deals with themes and ideas that are not commonly explored in reality. For example, anime like “Death Note” delves into the morality and ethics of power, while “Attack on Titan” explores the human condition in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. This allows anime to tackle complex and thought-provoking ideas in a way that is not always possible in reality, making it a more intellectually stimulating experience for viewers.
Thirdly, anime often features characters that are larger than life and possess abilities that are not possible in reality. Characters like Goku from “Dragon Ball Z” and Saitama from “One Punch Man” are incredibly powerful and possess abilities that are not possible in reality, making them incredibly appealing to viewers. The idea of being able to possess such incredible powers can be incredibly appealing to many people, and is something that is not possible in reality.
Additionally, anime offers a wide range of genres, styles and storylines that cater to different tastes and preferences. Whether you’re into action, romance, comedy or fantasy, there’s an anime out there for you. This allows for a greater diversity of content and a wider audience appeal, which is something that is not always possible in reality.
Furthermore, anime often has a strong emotional impact on viewers. Many anime are known for their ability to make viewers laugh, cry, or feel a wide range of emotions. This emotional depth can make anime more engaging and memorable than reality.
Lastly, anime allows for a level of escapism that reality simply cannot match. It allows viewers to step away from their everyday lives and experience something that is completely different and separate from reality. This can be incredibly appealing to many people and can be a powerful form of entertainment.
In conclusion, anime offers a wide range of benefits that make it better than reality. From fantastical worlds and powerful characters, to thought-provoking themes and emotional depth, anime offers a level of creativity, imagination and escapism that reality cannot match. While reality is important, anime can be a powerful form of entertainment and can offer a unique perspective on the world.