Anime Discussion Ranking

Attack on Titan: Why Is Levi So Strong?

Attack on Titan is a highly popular manga and anime series that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. One of the most beloved characters in the series is Levi Ackerman, also known as Captain Levi. He is widely considered to be the strongest human character in the show, and for good reason. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Levi is such a powerful character in Attack on Titan.

levi ackerman
Levi Ackerman


1. Levi’s Training and Experience

One of the main reasons why Levi is so strong is his extensive training and experience. He is a member of the Survey Corps, the elite military unit that is responsible for exploring and fighting against the Titans. The Survey Corps is known for their rigorous training, and Levi is no exception. He has been trained to be an expert in hand-to-hand combat, sword fighting, and the use of the 3D Maneuver Gear, which allows soldiers to move quickly and agilely in battle.

Levi is also a veteran of many battles against the Titans. He has been fighting for years and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in battle tactics. He is able to quickly analyze a situation and come up with a plan of action, which makes him an invaluable asset to the Survey Corps.

2. Levi’s Mental and Physical Strength

In addition to his training and experience, Levi is also incredibly physically and mentally strong. He is a highly disciplined and focused individual, which allows him to stay calm and composed in the heat of battle. He is also extremely resilient, both physically and mentally. He is able to push himself to his limits and continue fighting even when he is injured or exhausted.

Levi’s physical strength is also noteworthy. He is incredibly fast and agile, which makes him a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat. He is also incredibly strong and has an impressive endurance, which allows him to fight for long periods of time without tiring.

3. Exceptional Combat Skills

Levi is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and the use of the 3D Maneuver Gear. He is able to effortlessly take down multiple Titans in battle and is considered one of the strongest soldiers in the Survey Corps.

4. High Intelligence

Levi is known for his quick thinking and analytical mind. He is able to quickly assess a situation and come up with a plan of action, which makes him a valuable asset in battle.

5. Physical Prowess

Levi has exceptional physical abilities. He is incredibly fast and agile, which makes him a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat. He also has impressive strength and endurance, allowing him to fight for long periods of time without tiring.

6. Fearless attitude

Levi is known for his fearless attitude. He is not afraid to take on Titans head-on, even when the odds are stacked against him. This fearless attitude allows him to remain calm and composed in the most dangerous of situations.

7. Leadership Qualities

Levi is a natural leader, who commands respect from his comrades. He is able to lead his team effectively and make quick decisions, which makes him an excellent captain of the Survey Corps.

8. Experience

Levi has been fighting Titans for years and has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in battle tactics. He can quickly analyze a situation and come up with a plan of action, which makes him an invaluable asset to the Survey Corps.

High level of Discipline

Levi is known for his discipline, focus, and mental strength. He is able to push himself to his limits and continue fighting even when he is injured or exhausted. This discipline and focus allow him to stay calm and composed in the heat of battle.

Ackerman Family

The Ackerman family in Attack on Titan is known for their exceptional strength, speed, and fighting abilities. This is due to a unique genetic trait that runs in the Ackerman family, which gives them heightened physical abilities and a heightened sense of combat instincts. They also have a special “awakened” state that allows them to access even greater levels of strength and fighting capabilities.

In addition to their genetic traits, Ackerman’s are also known for their intense training and discipline. They are raised from a young age to be warriors and are trained in various forms of hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and the use of the 3D Maneuver Gear. This training, combined with their innate abilities, makes them incredibly powerful fighters.

Furthermore, Ackerman’s are also known for their loyalty and devotion to their comrades, which makes them fierce and reliable allies in battle. They are also highly skilled tacticians and are able to quickly analyze a situation and come up with a plan of action, which makes them an invaluable asset to the Survey Corps.

Levi’s Notworthy Moments in the Series

  • Capturing the Female Titan: Levi played a crucial role in the capture of the Female Titan, leading the operation and personally taking her down in a one-on-one battle.
  • The Battle of Trost: Levi led the charge to retake Trost District, and successfully defended it from the Titans, despite being vastly outnumbered.
  • The Battle of Shiganshina: Levi was part of the Survey Corps’ plan to retake Wall Maria and successfully led the charge in the Battle of Shiganshina, helping to retake the district and close the gate for Titans.
  • The Battle of Utgard: Levi led the Survey Corps in the Battle of Utgard, where they fought against the Beast Titan, and successfully captured it.
  • The Rivalry with Kenny: Levi has a personal rivalry with Kenny, his mentor’s son, who is also a skilled soldier, they have multiple confrontations in the series.
  • The Battle of Liberio: Levi played a crucial role in the Battle of Liberio, where he and his team fought against the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, who were attempting to overthrow the government.
  • The Final Battle: Levi played a crucial role in the final battle, leading the Survey Corps in the fight against the Founding Titan and its followers.
  • The Rescue Mission: Levi led the rescue mission to save Eren and Historia, who were captured by the Yeagerists, and successfully rescuing them.
  • The Titan’s basement: Levi is also known for his involvement in the discovery of the truth about Titans, helping Eren to unlock the secrets of the Titan’s basement, the origin of Titans and the truth about humanity.

In conclusion, Levi Ackerman is one of the most powerful characters in Attack on Titan because of his extensive training and experience, his mental and physical strength, and his discipline and focus. He is an invaluable asset to the Survey Corps and is considered one of the strongest human characters in the series. Levi’s strength and skill make him a fan-favorite character and it is not hard to see why.

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